
The Beauty in the Evolution of Weddings

The Evolution of Menswear in Weddings: From Tradition to Modernity

Weddings are timeless ceremonies that have witnessed the evolution of fashion across centuries. While bridal wear often captures the limelight, groomswear has also undergone significant transformations, reflecting broader changes in fashion, society, and cultural norms. Here’s a journey through the evolution of menswear in weddings, from traditional attire to modern styles.

The Victorian Era: The Birth of Formality

In the 19th century, the Victorian era set the stage for what many consider the foundation of modern wedding attire for men. The traditional morning suit, consisting of a tailcoat, waistcoat, and striped trousers, was the hallmark of wedding fashion. Accessories like top hats and gloves were essential, exuding an air of sophistication and formality. This era emphasized the importance of dressing impeccably, a sentiment that still resonates today.

The Roaring Twenties: The Jazz Age Influence

The 1920s brought a wave of change as fashion embraced the spirit of the Jazz Age. Men’s wedding attire became more relaxed yet retained its elegance. The morning suit remained popular, but there was a noticeable shift towards tuxedos, which featured shorter jackets and less formal styles. The introduction of black tie dress codes began to take hold, reflecting the era’s blend of formality and flair.

Post-War Simplicity: 1940s to 1960s

The aftermath of World War II saw a shift towards simplicity and practicality in wedding attire. The austerity of the 1940s was evident in more understated suits, often in shades of gray or navy. However, the 1950s and 1960s brought a return to elegance with the revival of the classic black tuxedo. This period also saw the advent of slimmer cuts and more tailored fits, aligning with broader fashion trends.

The Bold and the Beautiful: 1970s and 1980s

The 1970s and 1980s were marked by bold styles and experimentation. The influence of pop culture and changing social norms was evident in wedding fashion. Bright colors, wide lapels, and flared trousers became fashionable, often reflecting the vibrant spirit of the times. The 1980s, in particular, saw the rise of more opulent and extravagant wedding suits, with a focus on individuality and flair.

Minimalism and Modernity: 1990s to 2000s

As the 20th century came to a close, wedding menswear gravitated towards minimalism and modernity. The 1990s favored streamlined suits with a more subdued color palette. Black, navy, and gray remained popular choices, but the emphasis was on cut and fit. The 2000s continued this trend, with grooms opting for well-tailored suits that exuded simplicity and sophistication. The focus was on classic elegance, with a nod to contemporary fashion sensibilities.

The Contemporary Era: Diversity and Personalization

In recent years, wedding menswear has embraced a new level of diversity and personalization. Grooms are no longer confined to traditional black tuxedos or morning suits. Instead, there is a growing trend towards customization and expressing individual style. From velvet blazers and patterned suits to unique accessories and unconventional colors, modern grooms have the freedom to showcase their personality.

Sustainability has also become a significant consideration, with many opting for eco-friendly fabrics and ethically sourced materials. Additionally, the influence of global fashion trends has introduced a mix of cultural elements, allowing grooms to incorporate their heritage into their wedding attire.

Menswear in the Ottawa area is an emerging fashion that has been overlooked in the wedding industry specifically. We are now seeing great options immerge in our Ottawa market such as Blandin & Delloye on Laurier Avenue in our downtown core. With their custom tailoring and their emphasis on an exemplary experience for their clients their expansion into Ottawa is making quite an impact.

The evolution of menswear in weddings is a testament to the broader changes in society and fashion. From the rigid formality of the Victorian era to the personalized styles of today, wedding attire for men has continually adapted to reflect the values and trends of each period. As we move forward, the freedom to express individuality and the growing emphasis on sustainability are likely to shape the future of wedding menswear, ensuring that grooms look their best on their special day while honoring their personal style and values.

If you want to make an impact with your menswear on your wedding day let’s dive into some ways you can do just that:

  1. Custom Tailoring

Opt for a custom-tailored suit or tuxedo to ensure a perfect fit and unique style. Couples can select fabrics, colors, and designs that reflect their personal tastes and the overall theme of the wedding.

  1. Personalized Embroidery

Add embroidered details to the suit or shirt, such as the wedding date, initials, or a meaningful quote. These can be placed inside the jacket, on the cuff of a shirt, or even on the collar.

  1. Unique Accessories

Incorporate distinctive accessories that reflect personal interests or cultural heritage:

  • Cufflinks: Choose cufflinks that symbolize hobbies, favorite sports teams, or personal milestones.
  • Tie or Bow Tie: Select ties or bow ties with patterns or colors that hold special meaning, or even have them custom-made.
  • Pocket Squares: Use pocket squares with special designs or family crests.
  1. Custom Shoes

Wear shoes that are either custom-made or uniquely designed, such as those featuring bespoke embroidery or a special message on the sole.

  1. Incorporate Heritage

Reflect cultural heritage by including traditional elements in the attire:

  • Kilts: For Scottish heritage, a kilt in the family tartan.
  • Sherwani: For Indian heritage, a traditional sherwani.
  • Barong Tagalog: For Filipino heritage, a traditional barong.
  1. Sentimental Items

Incorporate sentimental items into the attire:

  • Heirloom Accessories: Use family heirlooms like watches, tie pins, or rings.
  • Boutonniere: Choose flowers that have personal significance or represent a shared memory.
  1. Matching Themes

Coordinate with the wedding theme or color scheme:

  • Themed Suits: For a vintage-themed wedding, a period-appropriate suit.
  • Color Coordination: Match suit colors with the overall wedding palette or with the bride’s attire.
  1. Personalized Linings

Select custom linings for jackets with unique patterns, images, or colors that are meaningful to the couple. Some options include photos, favorite quotes, or illustrations.

  1. Monogrammed Details

Monogram shirts, ties, or even the inside of the jacket with initials, a special date, or a personal message.

  1. Incorporating Hobbies

Reflect hobbies or interests in subtle ways:

  • Sport Enthusiasts: Cufflinks shaped like favorite sports equipment.
  • Music Lovers: A lining that features sheet music from a favorite song.
  1. Coordinated Looks

Ensure the groom’s attire complements the bride’s look in a unique way:

  • Fabric Matching: Use the same fabric for the groom’s accessories as in the bride’s dress.
  • Color Accents: Incorporate color accents from the bride’s bouquet into the groom’s boutonniere or pocket square.
  1. Personalized Socks

Wear custom socks with fun patterns, inside jokes, or meaningful symbols. This can also add a playful touch to the groom’s attire.

By incorporating these personal touches, a couple can ensure that the groom’s wedding attire not only looks great but also carries significant personal meaning, making the wedding day even more memorable. And you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that many if not all of these custom options can also be found and incorporated into your suit with Blandin & Delloye. So if you’re in the market for a wedding suit – or work attire – make sure to get in contact with them and let them work their magic.


The Beauty in the Evolution of Weddings

The Beauty in the Evolution of Weddings

Weddings are a celebration of love, unity, and the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of two individuals. This cherished institution has been a part of human culture for centuries, evolving and adapting to reflect societal changes while retaining its core purpose: to formalize the commitment between partners.

The Essence of Weddings

At its heart, a wedding is a profound statement of love and dedication. It’s a public declaration of an intimate bond, witnessed by family, friends, and sometimes even the larger community. This special day symbolizes the merging of two lives, two families, and often, two cultures. It is a time-honored tradition that continues to be relevant in the modern world, providing a sense of continuity and connection to our ancestors.

The Ceremony: A Blend of Tradition and Personalization

Wedding ceremonies vary widely across cultures and religions, each with its unique customs and rituals. In many Western cultures, traditional elements like the white dress, the exchange of rings, and the wedding vows are staples. In contrast, Indian weddings are known for their vibrant colors, intricate ceremonies like the Saptapadi (seven steps), and multi-day celebrations.

Modern weddings often blend these traditional elements with personal touches. Couples today have the freedom to design a wedding that reflects their unique personalities and values. This could mean incorporating a favorite song into the ceremony, having a close friend officiate, or even including beloved pets in the celebration. The focus is increasingly on creating a day that is meaningful and memorable for the couple.

The Reception: A Festive Gathering

The wedding reception is a time for celebration, marked by music, dancing, feasting, and heartfelt toasts. It’s an opportunity for guests to share in the joy of the newlyweds, offering their best wishes and enjoying the festive atmosphere. The reception can range from a grand, formal affair in a luxurious venue to a casual, intimate gathering in a backyard or a favorite restaurant.

One of the highlights of many receptions is the first dance, a moment that often symbolizes the harmony and partnership of the couple. Other cherished traditions include the cutting of the wedding cake, bouquet toss, and the garter toss, each adding a touch of fun and tradition to the festivities.

Planning the Perfect Day

Wedding planning can be both exciting and daunting. It involves a myriad of details, from choosing the venue and selecting the menu to designing invitations and coordinating attire. Many couples choose to work with a wedding planner to help navigate the complexities of the process, ensuring that every aspect of the day is seamlessly executed.

A growing trend in wedding planning is the focus on sustainability and ethical choices. Couples are increasingly mindful of the environmental and social impact of their celebrations. This can include opting for locally-sourced, organic catering, using recyclable or biodegradable materials, and choosing venues that prioritize eco-friendly practices.

The Lasting Impact

Beyond the day itself, a wedding has a lasting impact on the couple and their families. It marks the beginning of a new family unit, establishing a foundation of love, support, and mutual respect. For many, it is also a time to reflect on their personal and shared goals, laying the groundwork for a future filled with shared adventures and growth.

Weddings are a beautiful blend of tradition and personal expression. They are a celebration of love that brings people together, creating memories that last a lifetime. Whether grand or intimate, traditional or modern, each wedding is a unique reflection of the couple’s journey and their commitment to one another. As we continue to honor this cherished institution, we celebrate the universal values of love, unity, and the joy of human connection.

Evolution of Weddings Over the Past 50 Years

Weddings in North America, and in our local Ottawa area especially, have transformed significantly over the past five decades, reflecting broader societal changes, technological advancements, and evolving cultural norms. While the core essence of weddings—celebrating love and commitment—remains unchanged, the ways in which couples choose to mark this milestone have undergone notable shifts.

1970s: Traditional and Formal

In the 1970s, weddings were generally traditional and formal affairs. The classic white dress, church ceremonies, and formal receptions were standard. The guest list often included extended family and community members, emphasizing the communal aspect of the celebration. The focus was on established rituals, with less room for personalization. Couples typically followed a set formula for their big day, adhering closely to traditions passed down through generations.

1980s: Opulence and Extravagance

The 1980s brought a wave of extravagance and opulence to weddings. Influenced by the economic boom, weddings became larger and more elaborate. Grand venues, lavish decorations, and extravagant gowns became the norm. The rise of wedding magazines and bridal shows fueled the desire for perfection and grandeur. This era saw the beginning of the “fairy tale” wedding trend, where every detail was meticulously planned to create a dream-like experience.

1990s: Personalization and Intimacy

In the 1990s, there was a shift towards more personalized and intimate weddings. Couples began to move away from cookie-cutter ceremonies, incorporating their unique tastes and preferences. Destination weddings gained popularity, offering a more intimate and memorable experience. The era also saw the rise of themed weddings, where couples would choose a particular motif or style to reflect their personalities and interests.

2000s: Technological Integration and Customization

The 2000s were marked by the integration of technology into wedding planning and celebrations. The internet became a valuable resource for inspiration and planning, with websites like The Knot and Pinterest offering endless ideas and resources. Digital invitations and wedding websites became commonplace, streamlining communication and organization. Videography and professional photography saw significant advancements, allowing couples to capture and share their special day in high-definition detail.

2010s: Inclusivity and Diversity

The 2010s brought a focus on inclusivity and diversity in weddings. Same-sex marriages became legally recognized in many parts of the world, leading to a broader acceptance and celebration of love in all its forms. Cultural fusion weddings became more common, blending traditions from different backgrounds to honor both partners’ heritage. There was also a growing emphasis on sustainability, with eco-friendly practices being incorporated into wedding planning.

2020s: Pandemic Adaptations and Virtual Celebrations

The early 2020s were significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, leading to unprecedented changes in how weddings were conducted. Many couples opted for smaller, more intimate ceremonies, often held outdoors or at home. Virtual weddings and livestreaming allowed loved ones to participate from afar, ensuring that the celebration could still be shared despite restrictions. This era highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability, with couples finding creative ways to celebrate their union amidst challenging circumstances.

Current Trends: Personalized Experiences and Ethical Choices

Today, weddings continue to evolve, with an increasing focus on personalized experiences and ethical choices. Couples are prioritizing authenticity and meaningful connections over grandiosity. Micro-weddings, with fewer guests and more intimate settings, are gaining popularity. Sustainable practices, such as zero-waste weddings and ethical sourcing, are becoming more prevalent. There is also a growing trend towards unconventional venues, such as farms, vineyards, and industrial spaces, allowing for unique and memorable celebrations.

Over the past 50 years, weddings have evolved from traditional, formal ceremonies to highly personalized and diverse celebrations. This transformation reflects broader societal changes and the desire for individuality and authenticity. While the ways in which weddings are celebrated may continue to change, the core essence of love, commitment, and the joy of shared celebration remains timeless. As we look to the future, it’s exciting to imagine how weddings will continue to adapt and evolve, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of human relationships and cultural norms.


A Guide to Incorporating Animals in Your Wedding

Paws, Feathers, and Fins: A Guide to Incorporating Animals in Your Wedding

Your wedding day is a celebration of love, and what better way to enhance the joyous atmosphere than by incorporating the enchanting presence of animals? Animals have always been an addition to the family, but over the past few years, their presence as an actual part of the family has grown dramatically. Seeing your beloved pet walk down the aisle with you can add so much to an already emotional day.  

Whether you’re an animal lover or simply want to add a touch of whimsy to your special day, there are countless ways to include furry, feathery, or finned friends in your wedding festivities. From pets and therapy animals to unique wildlife encounters, here’s a guide on how to make your wedding a memorable menagerie of love.

  1. Pet Attendants: Consider involving your beloved pets as part of your wedding party. From being the ring bearer to walking down the aisle with the flower girl, pets can add an endearing and personal touch to your ceremony. Make sure to designate a trusted pet handler to ensure everything runs smoothly, and don’t forget to adorn them with cute accessories like floral collars or bow ties.
  2. Animal-Inspired Decor: Bring the spirit of the wild into your wedding decor. Incorporate animal motifs in your invitations, table settings, and centrepieces. Consider using peacock feathers, birdcage centrepieces, or even whimsical animal cake toppers. This subtle touch adds a playful and charming element to your wedding theme.
  3. Wildlife Encounters: For an unforgettable experience, consider incorporating live animals into your celebration. Depending on your venue and budget, you might arrange for a visit from a local zoo or wildlife sanctuary. Imagine your guests’ delight as they interact with owls, falcons, or even friendly exotic animals. This unique addition will undoubtedly create lasting memories for you and your guests.
  4. Animal-Friendly Venue: Choose a venue that allows for the inclusion of animals. Whether it’s a rustic barn setting or a garden with ample space, having a venue that accommodates animals opens up possibilities for horse-drawn carriages, llama processions, or even a butterfly release. Always check with the venue in advance to ensure they can accommodate your furry or feathered guests.
  5. Pet-Friendly Wedding Photos: Include your pets in your wedding photos to capture the essence of your family. Candid shots of your furry friends sharing a moment with you or staged photos of them donning wedding attire can be heartwarming and entertaining. Consult with your photographer to ensure they capture these special moments seamlessly.
  6. Animal-Themed Wedding Favors: Extend the animal theme to your wedding favours. Consider donating to an animal charity on behalf of your guests, or provide them with cute animal-themed trinkets like custom pet tags, animal-shaped cookies, or seeds for planting wildlife-friendly flowers.

Even one of these options can add a beautiful personal touch to your wedding day. Above all have fun with the ideas, and make sure you have it planned out so that it doesn’t add any extra stress to your day. Animal keepers or the ability to take them home at a certain point might be necessary, but having them in your pictures will let the memories last forever.

Incorporating animals into your wedding adds a unique and personal touch that goes beyond traditional celebrations. Whether it’s your four-legged best friend, exotic wildlife encounters, or subtle animal-inspired decor, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the magic of the animal kingdom on your special day, creating memories that will last a lifetime for both you and your guests. After all, a wedding with a touch of paws, feathers, and fins is sure to be a roaring success!

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Involving bridesmaids

Involving bridesmaids

When it comes to a wedding, your bridesmaids are your support system, your confidants, and your best friends. They have been by your side throughout the planning process, and they will be there on your big day. Including your bridesmaids in your wedding planning can not only be helpful but also fun and meaningful. Here are some tips for involving your bridesmaids in your wedding planning.

  1. Be clear about expectations: When you ask your bridesmaids to be a part of your wedding, make sure to clearly communicate your expectations. Let them know what you expect of them, what their responsibilities will be, and how much involvement you are looking for. Be open to their feedback and suggestions, but also make sure to establish boundaries.
  2. Give them specific tasks: If you have specific tasks you need help with, delegate them to your bridesmaids. This can include anything from helping with DIY projects to addressing invitations. Giving your bridesmaids specific tasks can make them feel more involved and invested in the planning process.
  3. Ask for their opinions: Your bridesmaids are your closest friends, and they know you well. Ask for their opinions on everything from your wedding colors to your centerpieces. Their input can be valuable, and it can also make them feel like they are contributing to your special day.
  4. Plan fun events: Planning a wedding can be stressful, so make sure to plan some fun events with your bridesmaids. This can include things like dress shopping, spa days, or a night out on the town. These events can help build camaraderie and make the planning process more enjoyable.

When it comes to choosing your wedding gown, it’s important to involve your family and bridesmaids while still making your own decision. Here are some tips to help you navigate this process:

  1. Do your research: Before you start shopping for your wedding gown, do your research. Look at different styles, fabrics, and designers so you have a good idea of what you like and what you don’t like. This will help you make a more informed decision.
  2. Bring your family and bridesmaids to appointments: When you go wedding gown shopping, it’s a good idea to bring your family and bridesmaids with you. This can help you get feedback and opinions, but make sure to establish boundaries beforehand. Let them know that while you value their input, the final decision will be yours.
  3. Take your time: Don’t rush into a decision when it comes to choosing your wedding gown. Make sure you have a good rapport with our bridal stylist, and can trust the boutique you’re creating a relationship with, you should be able to rely on them for the entirety of your engagement. This will ensure that you find the perfect dress that makes you feel confident and beautiful.
  4. Trust your instincts: Ultimately, the decision of which wedding gown to choose is yours. Trust your instincts and choose a gown that makes you feel amazing. Don’t let the opinions of others sway you if you know in your heart that a certain dress is the one for you.

Involving your bridesmaids in your wedding planning and choosing your wedding gown can be a fun and rewarding experience. Everyone’s goal should be to make sure you love your gown and feel supported in your decision. Remember to communicate clearly, delegate tasks, ask for opinions, plan fun events, and ultimately trust your instincts.

Advice News Trends Wedding Dresses Wedding Planning

Styled shoots in Peterborough

Styled shoots in Peterborough

Since opening our second location in Peterborough, Ontario, we have had the immense pleasure of being invited to collaborate with photographers from that area. Our Sinders Bridal House – Peterborough location provides the gowns and the expertise and now we want to share the end result with you.

Styled shoots have become increasingly popular in the wedding industry over the past few years. They are a collaborative effort between vendors to create a mock wedding or event for the purpose of showcasing their skills, services, and products. From florists to photographers, planners to designers, and everything in between, styled shoots provide an opportunity for wedding professionals to come together and showcase their talents.

As a wedding gown boutique, participating in styled shoots is crucial to showcasing the different styles we offer to brides. It’s one thing to describe a dress on paper or on a hanger, but it’s an entirely different experience for a bride to see it in action. Styled shoots allow us to showcase our dresses in a beautiful setting with a cohesive theme, making it easier for brides to envision how our gowns fit into their wedding day vision. We can equate it to looking for your future home. You like to see the space out set nicely so that you can envision what that home could be, even if your style might be different.

Not only does participating in styled shoots help us showcase our work, but it also allows us to meet and network with other vendors in the wedding industry. This is especially important for newer vendors who are trying to establish themselves in the market. You never know which photographer or florist or makeup artist might be an undiscovered talent. Collaborating with other vendors on a styled shoot can lead to future referrals and a trusted network of professionals that we can pass along to our brides, which is beneficial for everyone involved.

When it comes to showcasing wedding gowns, it’s important to use real people as models. The typical model seen on the internet may not represent the vast range of body types and skin tones that brides come in. Using real people as models helps brides see what a wedding gown will actually look like on someone who looks like them. This can help eliminate some of the anxiety that brides can have about not being able to find a wedding dress that looks good on them. You would not believe how often we hear about this anxiety when a bride is first starting out, both at our Ottawa and Peterborough locations.

Styled shoots are an important aspect of the wedding industry that benefits vendors and brides alike. They allow wedding professionals to showcase their work and network with other vendors, while also helping brides see what styles are available to them and what wedding gowns actually look like on real people. As a trusted wedding gown boutique, we highly recommend that other wedding professionals become involved in styled shoots. And to our brides, we highly recommend you watch for styled shoots on your social media as a way to match your personality and your vibe to that of the wedding vendors you will be looking to book for your own wedding day.

Book Your Appointment at Peterborough

Styled shoots in Peterborough

Since opening our second location in Peterborough, Ontario, we have had the immense pleasure of being invited to collaborate with photographers from that area. Our Sinders Bridal House – Peterborough location provides the gowns and the expertise and now we want to share the end result with you.

Styled shoots have become increasingly popular in the wedding industry over the past few years. They are a collaborative effort between vendors to create a mock wedding or event for the purpose of showcasing their skills, services, and products. From florists to photographers, planners to designers, and everything in between, styled shoots provide an opportunity for wedding professionals to come together and showcase their talents.

As a wedding gown boutique, participating in styled shoots is crucial to showcasing the different styles we offer to brides. It’s one thing to describe a dress on paper or on a hanger, but it’s an entirely different experience for a bride to see it in action. Styled shoots allow us to showcase our dresses in a beautiful setting with a cohesive theme, making it easier for brides to envision how our gowns fit into their wedding day vision. We can equate it to looking for your future home. You like to see the space outset nicely so that you can envision what that home could be, even if your style might be different.

Not only does participating in styled shoots help us showcase our work, but it also allows us to meet and network with other vendors in the wedding industry. This is especially important for newer vendors who are trying to establish themselves in the market. You never know which photographer or florist or makeup artist might be an undiscovered talent. Collaborating with other vendors on a styled shoot can lead to future referrals and a trusted network of professionals that we can pass along to our brides, which is beneficial for everyone involved.

When it comes to showcasing wedding gowns, it’s important to use real people as models. The typical model seen on the internet may not represent the vast range of body types and skin tones that brides come in. Using real people as models helps brides see what a wedding gown will actually look like on someone who looks like them. This can help eliminate some of the anxiety that brides can have about not being able to find a wedding dress that looks good on them. You would not believe how often we hear about this anxiety when a bride is first starting out, both at our Ottawa and Peterborough locations.

Styled shoots are an important aspect of the wedding industry that benefits vendors and brides alike. They allow wedding professionals to showcase their work and network with other vendors, while also helping brides see what styles are available to them and what wedding gowns actually look like on real people. As a trusted wedding gown boutique, we highly recommend that other wedding professionals become involved in styled shoots. And to our brides, we highly recommend you watch for styled shoots on your social media as a way to match your personality and your vibe to that of the wedding vendors you will be looking to book for your own wedding day.

Book Your Appointment at Peterborough

Styled shoots in Peterborough

Since opening our second location in Peterborough, Ontario, we have had the immense pleasure of being invited to collaborate with photographers from that area. Our Sinders Bridal House – Peterborough location provides the gowns and the expertise and now we want to share the end result with you.

Styled shoots have become increasingly popular in the wedding industry over the past few years. They are a collaborative effort between vendors to create a mock wedding or event for the purpose of showcasing their skills, services, and products. From florists to photographers, planners to designers, and everything in between, styled shoots provide an opportunity for wedding professionals to come together and showcase their talents.

As a wedding gown boutique, participating in styled shoots is crucial to showcasing the different styles we offer to brides. It’s one thing to describe a dress on paper or on a hanger, but it’s an entirely different experience for a bride to see it in action. Styled shoots allow us to showcase our dresses in a beautiful setting with a cohesive theme, making it easier for brides to envision how our gowns fit into their wedding day vision. We can equate it to looking for your future home. You like to see the space outset nicely so that you can envision what that home could be, even if your style might be different.

Not only does participating in styled shoots help us showcase our work, but it also allows us to meet and network with other vendors in the wedding industry. This is especially important for newer vendors who are trying to establish themselves in the market. You never know which photographer or florist or makeup artist might be an undiscovered talent. Collaborating with other vendors on a styled shoot can lead to future referrals and a trusted network of professionals that we can pass along to our brides, which is beneficial for everyone involved.

When it comes to showcasing wedding gowns, it’s important to use real people as models. The typical model seen on the internet may not represent the vast range of body types and skin tones that brides come in. Using real people as models helps brides see what a wedding gown will actually look like on someone who looks like them. This can help eliminate some of the anxiety that brides can have about not being able to find a wedding dress that looks good on them. You would not believe how often we hear about this anxiety when a bride is first starting out, both at our Ottawa and Peterborough locations.

Styled shoots are an important aspect of the wedding industry that benefit vendors and brides alike. They allow wedding professionals to showcase their work and network with other vendors, while also helping brides see what styles are available to them and what wedding gowns actually look like on real people. As a trusted wedding gown boutique, we highly recommend that other wedding professionals become involve in styled shoots. And to our brides we highly recommend you watch for styled shoots on your social media as a way to match your personality and your vibe to that of the wedding vendors you will be looking to book for your own wedding day.

Advice Trends

Sinders Take on 2022 Bridal Trends

Let’s talk about bridal trends.

Whether it was bell-bottom jeans or shoulder-pads, velour tracksuits or tiny sunglasses… we have all been a victim of fashion trends throughout the ages. And no matter what side of fashion we end up on, there will always be joy in predicting what will re-emerge (or in some cases debut!) in the months ahead! 

That is why we at Sinders wanted to put a spin on the traditional fashion trends, and give you our predictions of 2022 bridal trends!

What do we think we will start seeing a lot more of? 

Ruffle bottoms? Statement sleeves? Cut-outs? 

Well, first we wanted to turn to the industry to see what their predictions were for bridal trends this year. 

The Industry Predictions on Bridal Trends

Working so heavily in the bridal industry means that there are MANY different opinions and expertise on what bridal trends are emerging, and will continue to do so this year. We thought there was no better place to start, then to hit the internet. 

After some very vigorous research, here is what the industry thinks. 

Some of these bridal trends that have seen a resurgence (at least on the runways) include: birdcage veils, high necklines paired with sleek and slimming silhouettes, pops of colour and jumpsuits. However, here is a rundown of a few of our favourites!

Mix of modern and traditional

There is no doubt that brides have continued to play along the line of traditions throughout the years, and that trend is not expected to stop any time soon. We continue to see a surge in more nontraditional bridal items being incorporated into modern bridal nuptials, and let us just say, we are here for it! So, there is no surprise to see this mix of modern and traditional nods when considering a bridal gown. 


Another beautiful thing that brides have shown the industry, is their interest in necklines! As we saw before, brides have shown an interest in bringing back more traditional elements like high neckline wedding gowns, and we love that. However, to get a bit more specific on the bridal trend that is taking the industry back by storm… we are talking square necklines. Where are all of the effortless classic brides at? If you’re looking for something with great support and coverage but still have your nod of trend, look no further. 

Exposed Corsets 

Hitting the industry by storm, is none other than exposed corsets. If you ask us, these statement elements are what we are here for! 

While the exposed boning and structure will give you an element of ‘sexiness’, exposed corsets will also provide great support on your big day! And don’t get us started on the beautiful sheer tulling featured!

Over the Top Statements

Okay, there are a lot of elements that can add a good statement to your wedding dress. One in particular that the industry has more than jumped behind is sleeves! 

A perfect over-the-top statement is a sleeve! Adding a sleeve can add such drama to your wedding dress, plus – they can be made removable. From a statement down the aisle, to the comfort of your reception, get the best of both worlds!

However, we are keeping our eyes on ruffles… because baby are they ever coming back strong! 

Pops of Colour and Florals

The industry has spoken, and pops of colour with beautiful floral inspirations have hit the runways. This is much deeper than a blend of biscotti or mocha, but rather creating something that is perfectly and uniquely YOU. 

This is an incredible option for brides looking for something a little more outside of the box, as it provides the opportunity to showcase personality and style down the aisle. 


Our last addition to the trends within the industry is none other than pearls! What can we say, pearls can be such an elegant and classic way to highlight your wedding dress on your big day. We are seeing a step-up from your typical family heirlooms, where pearls are now becoming feature statements of your day. 

From your wedding dress, to your veil, your jewelry to your shoes. Pearls are an excellent and cohesive statement on the runways and off. 

Our Team Predictions on Bridal Trends

After scouring the internet for the trends we are seeing on the runways, we thought it would be nice to compare to what we have seen (and think we may continue to see) in the store. 

I am in no manner saying that we have psychic powers to predict upcoming fashion faux pas, but we have a pretty good idea of where we think the industry might be going. I mean… we do see an incredible number of beautiful dresses come and go through our shop each year.

So, what better way to explore this than to touch base with each of our bridal stylists! We’ve put their knowledge and experience to the test to put together our top bridal trend predictions for this year!


There is nothing more stunning than having an elegant wedding dress with a modern slit. When thinking of what dresses we will continue to see more of, this was certainly a contender. 

If you’re thinking this might be the vibe you are looking for, some great suggestions would be Essense of Australia D3460, or Nahal by our Pronovias Privée line.


Let’s take a moment to talk about sleeves. We definitely love what flair they can add to a dress, and have definitely seen a larger variety of them hitting the market these days. From a detachable option, to statement elements of dress designs, we are living for this trend.

Looking for a fun sleeve? Try out Stevie by La Perle (LP2009), or Taya by L’Amour (LA22122).


An absolute classic in the past, and will continue to be moving forward is satin. Now, there are so many options for gowns when it comes to satin. Don’t be alarmed! What is certainly trending in our stores now, is silky-smooth satin gowns!

If you’re thinking of keeping things classic and comfortable, perhaps look to Essense of Australia D2761. 



Alright, now here is something else we cannot get enough of… sparkle and beading of course! We have continued to see so many brides wanting something glamorous and shimmery for their big day, and dresses with intricate beading and sparkle lining have never left us disappointed. 

Think that this could be something you’re looking for as well? Try out our new stock D3386 and D3395 by Essense of Australia!


Another fan of the modern with a twist of traditional gowns is Val. To be fair, we will continue to drool over this trend because who can resist it? We know, coloured gowns have hit the market with a vengeance, and they will certainly be here to stay as well, but let’s just take one more moment to love our ivory gowns. 

If you’re looking for ivory, try out Essense of Australia D3399 or La Perle Ambrose (LP2206). 


You didn’t honestly think we would finish this off without the thoughts of Stacey and Meghan did you?! 

Don’t worry. We caught their ideas too. 


It’s nothing new that sparkle has been a trend in the wedding industry for the last few years, but if we’ve seen anything in our boutique it’s that both our brides and our designers say it is here to stick around. 

If you’re looking for a stunning gown with some major sparkle, take a look at our new Pronovias gown, Bimmah. 


When you see so many gowns come and go through the shop, it is hard to pick just one as a trend contender. However, this year we definitely think pearls and beading are making their statement. Gowns without lacework offer a different look for the bride!

If you’re wanting something without lacework, check out Henrietta or Sondong by Pronovias. 

The Verdict 

The true prediction is that we have no idea what kind of bridal trends are going to manifest themselves this year. But, what an incredible opportunity we have to help these beautiful brides discover themselves and their own trendy styles, each and every day. 

Remember, what is most important is that you find something that aligns with YOUR vision. 

Work with your stylist and seamstress to create the wedding dress of your dreams, no matter what bridal trend it may or may not fall into! 

Until next time, 

The Sinders Team 

**If you like any of these gowns and want to see more of what we have in our inventory, check out Sinders Bridal House on Pinterest here!

Advice Trends

The Wedding Boom – Is the minimony here to stay?

Over the past year we have seen a number of wedding trends emerge. From the infamous minimony to sequel celebrations – it is safe to say that love cannot be cancelled. But our question is this… are they here to stay? 

If you ask us, any variation of an event centered around love between you and your partner is the way to go. Whether that be an intimate vow exchange at a destination that means something of significance, or a grand celebration in front of the entirety of those that have made an impact in your life. 

Really, there is no wrong way to get married. 

On top of that, we anticipate more weddings in the next year than ever before. Vendors alike continue to push to help millions of couples find their way down the aisle. This opens up plenty of opportunity for new trends to flourish, and we can’t wait to see what’s in store. 

With all of that said, we wanted to break down the terms that you might have started to hear more of over the past year. And maybe throw in our two cents on the topic!

  1. Elopement 
  2. Micro-Wedding
  3. Minimony
  4. Sequel Wedding


Okay, so elopements may have gotten some mixed messaging surrounding them over the past few years. Traditionally, an elopement is considered to be an unplanned event. It is attended by only the couple and their witnesses. Typically they were performed in secret (although that’s not a requirement).  

So, what may make an elopement a preferred choice for you? 

Well, firstly – elopements can be a tonne of fun. Your options as a couple are quite honestly endless! Are you lovers of extreme adventure? Seekers of one-of-a-kind scenery? Helicopter fanatics!? Elopements can result in some pretty extraordinary, truly authentic moments. 

We are talking jaw-dropping, heart-melting, tear-jerking kind of moments. 

Elopements can also be a great way to keep your nuptials cost effective, intimate and stress-free, allowing the entire focus to be on you and your partner.  

Wherever, whenever and however your elopement comes to life, the important thing is that your ceremony, reception, and vows are 100% authentically you. 


Now, a micro-wedding is a wonderful cross between an elopement and a larger traditional ceremony. Welcoming up to 50 guests, a micro-wedding offers both immediate family and close friends to join the couple in celebration. Also while providing the couple more time and focus to be placed on the smaller details of the day. 

A perfect solution to those still wanting to share their day with loved ones, splurge on some details and not become completely overwhelmed by the number of guests in attendance.

Photo by Rosielle + Co

What might make a micro-wedding right for you? 

Well, first-off, let us make this clear. A smaller guest count does not mean cutting out on your experience! There are still plenty of opportunities to showcase those time-honoured traditions with your partner and guests. In fact, a micro-wedding is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with the more intimate moments of your wedding day. Think ‘designer’ wedding if you may. 

An additional bonus of micro-weddings is that you can spend more time with your partner and your guests throughout the day! With a smaller guest list, you can even personalize their experience, with hand-written notes at their place cards, or have wedding favours personalized to each guest. 

Just like hosting a very large dinner-party with all of your favourite people. Micro-weddings certainly hold a warm place in our hearts!


Which leads us to this. Much like its predecessor the micro-wedding, a minimony is exactly what it implies, a ‘mini’ wedding ceremony. It is held with the couple, their witnesses and up to 15 guests. 

But, how does this differ from a micro-wedding you may ask? 

Well, unlike an elopement, a minimony has experienced a surge in popularity throughout the pandemic. Allowing couples the chance to honour their original wedding date, while postponing their previously planned grandiose nuptials.

Simply put, if you’re still planning to host a large-scale wedding in the following months or years from your originally planned date, it’s a minimony! 

Photo by Rubicon Photography

Held with your officiant, small group of loved ones and select wedding vendors, a minimony refocuses the emphasis toward the finer details of the couple. It is an excellent choice to celebrate your love story in a unique and beautifully connected way. In fact, many find a minimony to be much more meaningful than expected!

Plus, there are some incredible benefits of planning a minimony! 

Firstly, your venue options are nearly limitless. With a smaller guest list and ability to appropriately social distance, you could find yourself saying “I do” anywhere from a beautiful backyard to the middle of a national park!

Furthermore, this is another great option to remove stress, cut back on costs and open your mind to an entirely personalized day for you

Goodbye seating charts, hello family-style dinner! 

Just remember, however you originally planned your wedding day, there are always options. 

Sequel Wedding

Finally, a sequel wedding. Although not an entirely new term, a sequel wedding has also experienced a surge in popularity following the ongoing impacts of COVID-19. Much like its name suggests, a sequel wedding is when a couple celebrates their marriage in more than one ceremony. 

In the past, a sequel wedding was an excellent option for blending family traditions, managing complex expectations and providing convenience to the couple to plan their celebrations as they wish. However, more recently the sequel wedding has emerged as a follow-up of the minimony. This allows for the couple to celebrate with the entirety of their family, friends and loved ones. 

Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

Think of this as the part two’ of your wedding, if you may. 

And no, unlike the blockbusters, this is a sequel that you won’t be disappointed in. 

This might sound like a little more work, BUT, the benefits of hosting a sequel wedding are worth the work! With the stress of your nuptials behind you, a sequel wedding is your chance to celebrate with everyone!

When it comes to planning your sequel wedding, there are options! It’s important to understand what is important to have for each event. This not only eliminates stress but also distinguishes from your first wedding. 

Perhaps the sequel wedding will have a shorter ceremony, so you can have more time to spend with your guests. Maybe you switch it up with a completely different bridal look!

The thing with sequel weddings is that their rulebooks are still being written! What is important is that no matter what, create the experiences YOU want to have on the day. 


That was a lot of information – we know! 

But, if you’re still following us, you’re asking “What was your verdict? Are they here to stay or not!?” 

Well, if you ask me… the minimony has provided us with some of the most mesmerizing moments to look back on in a time of chaos. It has helped ground us and show that love between two humans should not be overpowered by guest lists, wedding favours or catering. And most importantly, that perseverance and a little flexibility can overcome truly anything. 

Whether it be an elopement, micro-wedding or minimony, they truly are the perfect moment to showcase the personality, creativity and background of each and every couple. And, much like the brides we see everyday, no two are ever exactly the same – which is so beautiful! 

So, yes – let’s keep these coming! 

Enjoy reading this blog? Read More: The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Terminology

Dress Shopping Trends

Celebrity Wedding Dresses vs Sinders Bridal: Who wore it better?

Following the recent wedding of Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton, we couldn’t help but serve up a segment of “Who wore it better?” Celebrity Wedding Dresses vs Sinders Bridal edition! 

Have you ever looked in the tabloids, spotted a gorgeous wedding dress and thought to yourself “where in the world can I find one for myself?!”. 

Don’t worry, you’re not alone! 

Whether you’re looking for that simple A-Line, an extravagant train or all out sparkle – we can have you twinning with any celebrity!

Stefani just recently tied the knot to Shelton on July 3rd, featuring a custom silk gown with a beautiful plunging neckline and tulle skirt designed by the one and only Vera Wang.

We took a deep dive into the vault to find these 7 beautiful celebrity wedding dresses worn by some of our favourite celebrities:

Before further ado, let’s get down to business!

Hailey Bieber 


Okay. We all love a good off-the-shoulder moment (am I right?). So, can we take a second to appreciate Hailey Bieber in her custom mermaid lace gown designed by Virgil Abloh, creative director of Off-White? This dress was nothing short of stunning, featuring a sweetheart neckline and beautiful lace long sleeves.

Our Sinders Bridal swap for this showstopper? Henrietta.

It might not have those delicate lace sleeves or signature Abloh beading, but this beaded Calla Blanche bestseller features the same body hugging silhouette that will be sure to make you shine on your wedding day. Plus, Henrietta’s elegant beaded lace comes with optional sheer sleeve details that make it a perfect swap to Hailey Bieber (née Baldwin)’s custom gown!


Sofía Vergara

This might not have been the only dress Sofía Vergara wore on her luxurious wedding weekend; she actually chose a number of beautiful dresses throughout her weekend nuptials. However, her custom Zuhair Murad Couture gown was certainly the star of the show in our books! The Modern Family star married Joe Manganiello in 2015 with her lush fitted gown with Baroque-embroidered removable overskirt. This extravagant gown was grandiose while still providing the perfect compliment to Vergara’s figure.

This was a tough one but for Sofía Vergara, Sinders Bridal chose Essense of Australia D3044 with a stunning overskirt option to match. 

This Essense piece is a floral fit and flare, providing you that body hugging shape to feature your silhouette while the pairing overskirt assists with the glamour and extravagance a ballgown can provide. Featuring a modern strapless sweetheart neckline that feeds into a delicate plunge and lace appliqué, D3044 with the complimentary Essense of Australia overskirt will be the star of any show.


Ariana Grande 

Next up on our list of celebrity dress dreams, none other than Ariana Grande herself. Wearing an elegant and sophisticated Vera Wang, Ariana turned heads with an empire waist and plunging back line. Who said less can’t be more!? Paired with a shoulder length veil and a beautiful satin bow detail, it’s the perfect addition to the gown.

What is Sinders Bridal match for this? La Perle’s Gwen (LP 2018).

Just like Ariana, this soft ivory satin gown features a glam cowl neck and brilliant low back that is certainly a gorgeous moment. Not quite enough ‘oomph’ for you? Consider pairing this with a feature back necklace to elevate the look. We also matched Gwen with a shoulder length veil featuring delicate rhinestone appliques.



Debby Ryan 

Any other Disney Channel fans out there? Well, if there are then you may have already drooled over Debby Ryan in her Elie Saab ballgown. We certainly don’t blame you. Featuring an elegant off-the-shoulder boat neckline with a matching luxuriously long train, this 2019 spring collection was nothing short of beauty.

What is Sinders Bridal’s competition for this? Let us introduce you to Tesoro Viola.

This one of a kind ballgown, from designer Tesoro, offers a sweetheart neckline with a lavish Mikado that provides that similar jaw-dropping train for any bride looking for that beautiful princess feeling for their wedding day. We chose to pair Viola with a custom off-the-shoulder piece to give you the same stunning straps as Debby Ryan.

It’s certainly a win in our books!


Kate Middleton 

Calling all my royal family fans out there – I mean, who can forget the royal wedding of 2011? Even now, a decade later, we still can’t get over Kate Middleton’s designer Sarah Burton wedding dress. Middleton featured a nearly 9-foot train, V-neckline and luxurious long lace sleeves which moved flawlessly into the handmade lace bodice of the Victorian inspired gown. We can’t forget to mention the stunning Cartier halo tiara, borrowed by none other than Queen Elizabeth herself.

Sinders Bridal chose to compare this piece of royalty to White One’s Bradbury.

Everyone deserves to feel like a princess at least once in their life, am I right? If this is something you are looking for, consider this elegant Mikado princess cut dress. Matched with a beautiful V-neckline and those luxurious lace sleeves, Bradbury is an excellent choice for any bride looking for a bit more coverage on their wedding day.


Meghan Markle

Another royal family feature, but we couldn’t leave out this one. Anybody else in love with Meghan Markle’s second stunning wedding gown? Just hours after walking the aisle in her custom Givenchy gown, Markle submerged in this beautiful silk crepe high-neck gown designed by Stella McCartney. If you ask us, this was the perfect match of sophistication and romance.

The Sinders Bridal swap out for this? Hello Christina Wu 293#43.

This Christina Wu swap will provide the same fit-and-flare silhouette, with a halter neckline and natural waistband to allow a beautiful flow over your body. Much like the Stella McCartney, the smooth crepe of this dress is an elegant and romantic dress for any vision!

Serena Williams 

Tennis superstar Serena Williams finds herself as our final Sinders Bridal swap choice. She tied the knot with Reddit founder Alexis Ohanian in November 2017, choosing none other than Sarah Burton for her Alexander McQueen ballgown. The gown featured a dramatic strapless neckline and cinching waistline, finished with an absolute jaw-dropping cape. Serena fell in love with this silhouette, and let us tell you so did we.

So, what did Sinders Bridal choose to swap this with? Stella York 7051 with a beautiful custom cape to match.

This clean and simple Stella York ballgown provides flattering ruching in the Mikado bust, while maintaining the classic statement silhouette. The delicate tulle bottom is both light and airy – perfect for a wedding in any season! Looking for a little bit more drama like Serena? Consider adding additional layers underneath to create a fuller skirt! We paired this Stella York with a custom made cape, featuring lace overlay and stunning rhinestone detailing for the perfect pop of drama.

I mean, how many times can you wear a cape in your life, am I right?



This was honestly too much fun for us, but we wanted to leave you with just a few things to remember:

  1. If you’re looking to mimic an iconic look, consider customization. These celebrities have likely had hours of work put into their gowns to help create their desired vision. Consider talking through your options with your stylist.
  2. Accessories are your friend! Whether it be sleeves, a custom cape, or one-of-a-kind veil, these elements can heighten the look of any gown.
  3. When you are gown shopping – have fun with it! Focusing on a particular detail can lead you down a rabbit-hole. Remember to look at the bigger picture, and how you feel in the dress. Besides, this day is all about YOU!

How did we do? Did we miss anyone you were thinking of?

Drop us a comment on who you think did it better!

We can’t wait for our next instalment of celebrity wedding dresses.


The Sinders Team

Dress Shopping Trends

Unconventional bridal trends for the unique, modern bride


Every bride is unique and has her own personality that should be reflected in her bridal gown. But quite often, brides that have a rebellious take on fashion and march to the beat of their own drum get overlooked in the bridal industry. If you’re the type of bride that loves fashion and has your sights set on a daring and amazingly unconventional bridal look for your big day but are unsure of where to start, we’ve got you covered.

We’ll list some of the hottest unconventional bridal trends and offer up tips for finding your bridal style and shopping for a unique dress.


Think long and hard on what makes youfeel most comfortable or beautiful. Don’t let the opinions of others sway you into choosing something that just isn’t you.

Scour the internet and Pinterest for bridal looks that resonate with you and keep tabs on designers that stand out to you. When it comes time to shop, look for bridal boutiques that have gowns from the designers on your list and don’t be afraid to ask if they carry particular style beforehand. Some bridal boutiques may not carry as many unique, fashion-forward gowns, so it’s important to ask around until you find a boutique that is a good fit for what you are looking for.



Nothing screams life of the party like a stunning short dress. If gowns just aren’t your cup of tea and you’d like a more laid back bridal style, look at the idea of a short or even a high-low bridal dress.

If a bridal boutique doesn’t have a wide selection of shorter options, keep in mind that most gowns can be altered into a short and sassy dress.

Celebrity Inspo: Natalie Portman, Kiera Knightly, Maren Morris, Whitney Port


Whether it’s a soft accent of colour on your dress like blush or pale blue, or you want to go full out in a bright pink or red hue, a coloured dress will ensure your personality truly shines.

Celebrity Inspo: Jessica Biel, Gwen Stefani, Mandy Moore


Whether it’s an extravagant, ornate headpiece, flower crown, or a statement necklace, accessories add tons of personality. They have the power to completely transform your bridal gown into a look that’s all your own.

Celebrity Inspo: Anne Hathaway, Miranda Kerr, Dianna Agron


If you’ve never really been a dress person and feel way more comfortable in pants than anything else, why not try a bridal jumpsuit? A jumpsuit is still very feminine and bridal while being incredibly chic and modern.

Celebrity Inspo: Solange, Sophie Turner, Kaley Cuoco


If you’re going for a more chill, laid back vibe but still want to look fashion-forward and sexy, two-piece gowns can be a great option.

Celebrity Inspo: Olivia Palermo, Samira Wiley, Hayley Paige


Oh so dramatic and fashion-forward, a stunning cape will ensure your grand entrance is truly show-stopping. While still considered ‘untraditional,’ capes have surged in popularity and have made a mark on red carpets and at weddings in recent years.

If you’ve already found your gown but are interested in adding a cape, talk to your seamstress to see if it’s possible to custom make a cape to match your gown.

Celebrity Inspo: Kaley Cuoco, Serena Williams, Chanel Iman


If a pop of colour isn’t bold enough, why not push the envelope even further? Try a vivid floral print or stunning three-dimensional floral detailing. Florals are one trend that never goes out of style and is perfect for a spring wedding.

Celebrity Inspo: Poppy Delevingne, Miranda Kerr, Kaley Cuoco


Looking to feel a bit more covered but aren’t interested in anything conservative? A gown with statement sleeves that have tons of volume or stunning details will ensure you stand out and bring plenty of drama.

Celebrity Inspo: Ciara, Heidi Klum, Sophie Turner


Besides the styles mentioned above, gowns that have the following features are also great options if you are looking for a unique, dramatic gown without straying too far outside of the box:

  • Feathers
  • Tiered ruffles
  • Unexpected details
  • Dramatic beading
  • One-shoulder necklines
  • Unique back detailing
  • High-low hemline
  • High necklines
  • Plunging necklines
  • Unique bead pattern
  • Fringe



If you have friends or family that you know are strongly team tradition, consider bringing a smaller entourage with you that you know are fully supportive of your vision. You may have an amazing relationship with your grandmother, but if you know that she wouldn’t be thrilled by dress choices, it could get in the way of your ability to commit to the dress of your dreams. Keeping your entourage as small as possible helps ensure your opinions don’t get lost and overshadowed.


While most bridal shops will have lots of different options for you to try, if you have your heart set on a particular style that you know isn’t very popular, call the boutique ahead of your appointment and ask what their selection is like for more unconventional bridal gowns.


Can’t seem to find a dress that meets your exact vision? Remember that alterations are your best friend! There are so many different ways a dress can be transformed with alterations. So don’t fret if you’re struggling to find the perfect gown. Ask your bridal stylist if certain gowns can be altered.


At the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is your own. Your wedding day is one of the most special days of your life. So it’s important that you not only feel beautiful, but comfortable in your own skin. If a dress that is more dramatic and fashion-forward than soft and traditional makes you feel this way, then that is the dress you should have.